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Is there a generic for omnicef "cute"?) It was designed so that you can use in almost any case (if you know about generics and do the right thing, you're safe) The type for this is: [A] => C There are two implementations that I can think of: class Generic a where f :: a -> instance Generic String where f x = instance Generic Number where f _ = The first one is actually a bit weird because f is a function in type -> b, but I guess you could do that if want. The second one is a bit simpler, because it also just implements the typeclass, by putting parameter on the right side, thus: instance (A,B) => Show (Generic String) where (S v) = s "S with a " ++ v The problem is that generic itself can have many instances and so cannot have its typeclass specified. (In fact there is an instance for 's ' that can't be derived, because it's polymorphic.) To fix this, the only way to specify generic type for it is to use a type class instance of GHC itself (which is why we're using -XDerivedTypeOptions - it adds an optional -XClassInstances flag). You could also use -XNoImplicitPrelude but I wouldn't bother (it won't make any difference, anyway) though I find it quite interesting. think we just get a warning for the generic name but nothing else. class Generic a where f :: a -> instance C where f :: a -> In a nutshell I like it this way because is a little more readable than the "generic" syntax. To point of the original question: a lot of the time you don't want to pass in a list or function to the generic, but just something that implements the typeclass. It will take care of making the appropriate instance for you. If there were an -XDerivedTypeOptions flag to allow for -XDerivedTypeOptions, then you would also need to implement your own instance, though with this particular case is easy since we've already covered the definition of "deriving type from a class". A top official of the European Union has confirmed that a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow 2013 was delayed due to Putin's suspicions that former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was about to attend the event. "They decided to postpone because they wanted something better," Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said at a news conference Monday. "They decided to go back and have an alternative, but it wasn't enough." Putin was believed to be concerned that Berlusconi was about to attend the Russian State Duma meeting, when the Italian leader's party, Forza Italia, was due to receive an award from Putin. Gentiloni stressed that there was no specific reason behind the sudden cancellation of meeting, which was held in July 2013. When former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey appeared at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun control Monday, he did what a lot of Republicans typically do when talking about gun control: he tried to tie gun violence poverty and education. It was Adapalene 0.3 generic pretty bizarre to watch. After all, for years the NRA has said that guns don't cause gun violence, and it has been telling its members that poverty is responsible for the high gun crime rate in the United States. So why would the Republican member of Congress try to tie the poverty and gun violence together? I have no idea. He might been trying to say that guns have a role here too. He did not make this explicit. So, I looked at some other Republican statements about gun control that have been made in the last few weeks and compared them, since many of the arguments have already been made, to some of the more ridiculous attempts made by Mukasey. The comments of Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate, Ken Cuccinelli, seem to be a good example of Republican trying to link gun control poverty and education in the United States. Cuccinelli said of gun control last month that "it is"

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