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Buy viagra perth australia Image: Flickr/Molly McElroy In this week's edition of the Slate politics podcast Double Down, we're joined by Slate contributing editor Jonathan Chait to discuss his new column on the Trump administration's disastrous decision to stop defending the Affordable Care Act—a decision I discussed in this podcast last week. In a column for the New York Times, Chait argues that the decision represents a failure of presidential leadership. He writes, "The problem with defending a failing law is that you get blamed for anything that goes wrong. But if you can't protect it, don't even try to." Chait's column lays out the argument in a series of arguments. One key point, he writes, is that the Affordable Care Act was "passed with no bipartisan support." When I asked him what he meant by that last assertion, Chait cited the failure of Barack Obama, as well Hillary Clinton, Order generic proscar to push for a single-payer system on the presidential level. "I think what President Trump does make clear is that his presidency predicated on ability to negotiate with Congress," where to buy viagra in melbourne Chait said. "I don't think he's going to be able do that with the Republican-controlled congress and Republican-led congress. I'd also add, as a former Democratic congressional staffer, that you'd have the impression if he did try to do that, he would be blamed." Chait's argument may be a popular opinion in the halls of political class, but a majority of the American public doesn't see it that way. A recent survey asked Americans to say which party they think is more responsible for failing to pass a health care bill (that would have kept the Affordable Care Act on books) was not a pretty picture for Trump and Republicans. Only 27 percent of respondents told pollsters that Democrats are more responsible for failing to pass a health care bill. That number is almost the exact inverse of 30 percent respondents who said the GOP was more responsible for that failure. It is also roughly in line with the percentage of Republicans who told pollsters that they blame Obamacare for failing to make the law work as intended. Perhaps the best evidence that Americans feel Trump and Republicans are not to blame for the failure of American health care law came from a separate poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation when Affordable Care Act first passed. When gamot publiko generic drugstore franchise the Kaiser poll asked participants to assign party affiliation, Democrats and Republicans said they were equally responsible for failing to Viagra 240 Pills 100mg $269 - $1.12 Per pill pass Viagra online bestellen auf rechnung the legislation. Only 28 percent of Democrats, and 29 Republicans, said that the Affordable Care Act was caused by the president and party. In fact, while Trump's supporters are largely supportive of him, his opponents are far more likely to be against him than his supporters.
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